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Welp, it happened. The end of my (brutal) pregnancy, and new baby-hood caught me. I haven't posted since February. Seriously, I suck. But now, I'm back. Baby brother is snoozing in the cheap-ass vibrating baby seat next to me... While the $$ Mamaroo we borrowed from a friend sits neglected across the room. Babies, man. What are you gonna do? I'll spare you the details of baby brother's birth story, but I went into labor 7 hours before my scheduled C-Section, labored in the hospital lobby for an hour+ because there were no available beds, and ended up delivering via C-Section 3 hours earlier than planned. Apparently changes in barometric pressure cause women to go into labor because there were so.many.babies born that night. So far, life with two kids is going well. The baby does baby things: eat, sleep, and fill diapers faster than we can change them. The kid does new brother things: poke, pinch, and breathe too closely to his brother's face. But he loves him SO...

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